DawnTown, a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting architecture in Miami, is announcing an open call for portfolios to their new competition: DAWNTOWN DESIGN/BUILD 2.
The search begins for a new designers to submit their creative work and be a part of the call for portfolios in the first round of this latest competition. Once again, DawnTown will reward one team or individual the opportunity to create and install an innovative architecture piece in downtown Miami. This competition seeks the talents of a designer or design team to create a low cost, innovative, and temporary installation in Miami.
The competition is open to architects, artists, and all creative professionals. Designers can work individually or collaboratively in teams, and multinational teams are welcome to compete as well.
Interested designers/design teams must submit a maximum six(6) page PDF. The PDF should include all competing participants with a short biography of each, a one(1) page essay on their design philosophy, and samples of their existing work(either built/unbuilt). Work samples should demonstrate an entrant’s ability to be artistic and innovative. Entries will be collected from December 3 2013 to January 17 2014, with finalists being announced on January 30th. For complete rules and requirements to register, visit www.dawntown.org.